Welcome to the homepage of the Bayeux Tapestry
Hereby, we wish to present our project, which has been to embroider a replica of the original Bayeux Tapestry.
The Vikinggroup Lindholm Høje was started in 1990 and the group has about 100 members.
Ten women from the group decided in January 2000 to engage in a large project which should have something to do with the Viking Age, of course.
The project to embroider a replica of the Bayeux Tapestry was decided on and the embroidery was started in January 2000.
The association “Bayeuxgruppen” was formed as an independent group under the umbrella organization “Vikingegruppen Lindholm Høje”. The umbrella organization has sponsored linen and wollen yarn.
The purpose of the project was – besides working together in the group – to create an interest in the Viking Age.
The purpose of the Bayeux Group is:
- To make a reconstruction of the Bayeux wallpaper and then preserve the finished result.
- by giving lectures, showing the wallpaper and demonstrating sewing technology in schools and cultural institutions, to disseminate knowledge of the Viking Age based on the Bayeux wallpaper, which tells about living, clothing, crafts, including shipbuilding, hunting, cooking, war actions, etc. a thousand years ago.
- to supplement the members’ knowledge of the Bayeux tapestry and the Viking age by visiting historical sites and through ongoing contact with interest groups and marine engineering experts.
- to work for permanent exhibition of the Bayeux tapestry.
The embroidery is now finished and a permanent exhibition has been established at Børglum Kloster. The exhibition was opened May 7th 2015 and can be studied in the opening hours of Børglum Kloster.
You can read about the working process, watch photographs of the needle women who have done the work and of the exhibition cases.
The Bayeux Tapestry is photographically reproduced under “The finished Tapestry”.
We received donations from the following

www. bayeuxtapetet.dk – The Bayeuxgroup – Copyright 2012 ©